Tuesday, October 25, 2011

BH&G Fragrances

BH&G Fleur de lis Cream Warmer
As many of you already know, ScentSationals Wickless Candles has a secret sister! Not only do we have dozens of beautiful warmers and amazing scents under our ScentSationals label, but we've also paired up with WalMart to create an exclusive line of warmers and scents that are sold under the BH&G label. (Better Homes and Gardens)

Now, if you are anything like me, (the good qualities of course!) when you become passionate about something, you have a tendency to go all out. This makes you an excellent juggler (so you can manage multiple wonderful things), a careful critic (you diligently choose which things to juggle) and  a collector of your favorite things... like wax fragrances!

To make this an easier task, we are happy to provide you with a list of our BH&G fragrances! To print the file, simply right click and  select 'download linked file'.

BH&G Fragrance List
Or, Alternatively, CLICK HERE to view a PDF version of the Fragrance List.

Please note that these Fragrances are exclusive to WalMart and not all fragrances may be available at all times throughout the year. 

I'm working on a list of ScentSationals fragrances next! Anyone interested?! 


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